#Employee Onboarding & Management

How to Spot Fake Candidates in Video Interviews

Are you tired of wasting valuable time and resources on fake candidates during video interviews? Spotting dishonesty and cheating in virtual interviews can be a challenge, but it’s crucial to ensure you make a good hiring decision.

Imagine this scenario: You’re conducting a video interview with a seemingly stellar candidate. Their resume is exceptional, their LinkedIn profile picture exudes professionalism, and their experience matches your requirements perfectly. But something feels off. How can you be sure they’re the real deal?

In this blog, we’ll dive into the world of video interviews and equip you with the knowledge and techniques to identify those red flags and spot fake candidates. From analyzing body language and eye contact to detecting signs of cheating scenarios, we’ll provide you with practical tips and strategies to help you make informed hiring decisions.

Don’t fall victim to deception in the new remote work environment. Join us as we uncover the signs, share best practices, and guide you in finding the right talent for your organization. It’s time to be confident in your hiring process and avoid the consequences of hiring the wrong candidates. Let’s get started!

How to Catch a Cheating Candidate in an Interview

When it comes to the interview process, identifying cheating candidates is crucial to prevent potential negative impacts on the hiring process. Cheating during an interview can lead to hiring the wrong person for the job, wasting valuable time and resources for both the candidate and the hiring company. Here are some key reasons why catching a cheating candidate is of utmost importance:

1. Maintaining fairness and integrity: The interview process is designed to evaluate candidates fairly and provide equal opportunities for all. By identifying cheating candidates, recruiters can ensure a level playing field and maintain the integrity of the hiring process.

2. Protecting the company’s reputation: Hiring a cheating candidate could have significant repercussions for the company’s reputation. It can lead to poor hiring results, disrupt team dynamics, and negatively impact overall productivity and success.

3. Avoiding potential legal issues: Hiring a cheating candidate may result in legal complications if the individual’s unethical behavior is discovered after they are employed. By catching cheaters during the interview stage, companies can mitigate the risk of legal problems down the line.

4. Preserving resources: Interviewing candidates is a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. By identifying cheating candidates early on, companies can avoid wasting valuable time and effort in recruiting the wrong individuals.

By paying close attention to the interview process and staying vigilant for potential cheating signs, interviewers and HR professionals can safeguard the integrity of the hiring process, protect the company’s reputation, and ensure a fair and successful recruitment outcome.

Cheating Red Flags ðŸš©ðŸš©ðŸš©ðŸ¤¬

During a video interview, interviewers and HR professionals need to be aware of potential red flags that may indicate cheating or dishonesty on the part of a candidate. By recognizing these signs, one can take proactive steps to ensure a fair and transparent interview process. Here are some common cheating red flags to watch out for:

1. Missing profile pictures

Candidates who participate in video interviews without displaying their profile pictures might raise suspicion. A legitimate candidate would typically have a professional headshot or an appropriate image associated with their profile. An absence of a profile picture could indicate an attempt to hide or misrepresent their identity.

2. Poor internet quality

Constant connectivity issues or unreliable internet connections can be a red flag. While technical glitches can occur, consistent problems during the interview may suggest an intentional disruption to hide or manipulate certain aspects of the interview. It’s essential to assess the candidate’s internet quality and address any persistent issues.

3. Denying certain actions or behavior

If a candidate denies certain actions or claims during the interview that contradict evidence or previous statements, it could be a potential red flag. For instance, if a candidate claims they have never worked with a specific technology, but their resume states otherwise, it raises concerns about their honesty and credibility.

4. Inconsistent or evasive responses

Candidates who consistently provide vague or evasive answers to direct questions may be attempting to conceal their lack of knowledge or competency. This behavior can be an indicator of cheating or attempting to deceive the interviewer. Look for inconsistencies, excessive hesitation, or attempts to redirect the conversation away from specific topics.

5. Unprofessional behavior or language

Candidates who engage in unprofessional behavior or use offensive language during the video interview should be viewed as potential red flags. This behavior can indicate a lack of professionalism, poor communication skills, or a disregard for appropriate conduct in the workplace. Such behavior may raise concerns about the candidate’s suitability for the role.

6. Suspicious background noises or interruptions

Background noises, interruptions, or sudden disruptions during the interview can suggest that the candidate is receiving assistance or using external resources. Pay attention to any suspicious sounds, voices, or unusually long pauses that could indicate the presence of someone else in the room assisting the candidate.

7. Unusual eye movements or lack of eye contact

Observing a candidate’s eye movements during a video interview can provide valuable insights. Excessive or unusual eye movements, such as constant shifting or avoiding eye contact, may indicate that the candidate is reading from prepared answers or consulting external resources. Lack of eye contact can also be a sign of disinterest or dishonesty.

Keeping an eye out for these red flags can help interviewers identify potential cheating or dishonesty during video interviews. However, it’s important to remember that these signs are not definitive proof of deceit and should be used as a starting point for further investigation or clarification. Conducting thorough assessments and following established interviewing protocols can help ensure a fair and unbiased hiring process.

How to Spot Fake Candidates in Video Interviews

In today’s remote work environment, video interviews have become an integral part of the hiring process. However, with the rise in popularity of virtual interviews, the risk of encountering fake candidates has also increased. As an interviewer or HR professional, it’s crucial to spot these imposters and ensure a fair and honest selection process. Here are some strategies and techniques that can help you identify and detect fake candidates during video interviews.

Observing Eye Movements

One of the first indicators of a fake candidate is their eye movements. Genuine candidates maintain casual eye contact with the camera or the interviewer, demonstrating engagement and attentiveness. On the other hand, fraudsters may avoid direct eye contact or exhibit erratic eye movements, suggesting potential dishonesty. Keep a close eye on the candidate’s gaze to assess their credibility.

Assessing Audio Quality

Audio quality can provide valuable insights into the authenticity of a candidate. Pay attention to the clarity of their voice and the presence of any suspicious background noises. Authentic candidates will have clear and consistent audio throughout the interview. However, fake candidates might use voice distortion or have inconsistent audio quality, indicating a potential attempt to deceive. Ensure that audio quality is a crucial factor in your assessment.

Requesting Screen Sharing

Another effective technique is to request screen sharing during the interview. Authentic candidates will be willing and able to share their screen to showcase their work, projects, or portfolios. On the other hand, fake candidates may hesitate or make excuses to avoid sharing their screens, as they will not have legitimate material to present. Requesting screen sharing can help you assess their skills and verify their claims.

Analyzing Body Language and Facial Expressions

Although video interviews lack the in-person element, you can still analyze a candidate’s body language and facial expressions. Look for signs of nervousness, discomfort, or inconsistencies between verbal and non-verbal cues. Genuine candidates will display natural and congruent body language, whereas fake candidates may exhibit signs of stress, hesitation, or evasiveness. Pay attention to their facial expressions and overall demeanor to detect any possible signs of deception.

Following up with References

After conducting a video interview, it’s essential to follow up with the candidate’s references. Reach out to previous employers, colleagues, or mentors mentioned in their resume or application. Genuine candidates will have legitimate references who can vouch for their skills and qualifications. Fake candidates, however, may provide fake references or avoid providing contact details altogether. Verifying references can help you confirm a candidate’s credibility.

Remember, these strategies and techniques are not foolproof, but they can significantly reduce the risk of encountering fake candidates during video interviews. By observing eye movements, assessing audio quality, requesting screen sharing, analyzing body language and facial expressions, and following up with references, you can improve the accuracy and reliability of your hiring process.


Detecting fake candidates during video interviews is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the hiring process. By implementing the strategies and techniques mentioned above, such as observing eye movements, assessing audio quality, requesting screen sharing, analyzing body language and facial expressions, and following up with references, you can effectively spot imposters and ensure a fair selection process. Remember, trust your instincts, and conduct thorough evaluations before making any hiring decisions.

How do interviewers find out that a candidate is cheating in a technical telephone interview/onsite interview? 

During a technical telephone interview or an onsite interview, interviewers employ various methods and practices to detect cheating or dishonesty. It is essential to ensure a fair and trustworthy evaluation of candidates. Here are some strategies commonly used by interviewers:

1. Pre-screening and Background Checks

– Before the interview, recruiters may conduct background checks and verify the candidate’s credentials, including their educational qualifications, work experience, and references.

– Any inconsistencies or discrepancies found in the candidate’s resume or during the screening process can be red flags for potential cheating or dishonesty.

2. Observing Non-Verbal Cues and Body Language

– In an onsite interview, interviewers pay close attention to the candidate’s non-verbal cues and body language.

– Inconsistent or unusual gestures, facial expressions, excessive fidgeting, or avoiding eye contact can be signs of discomfort or potential deception.

– Interviewers assess the candidate’s body language to gauge their level of confidence, honesty, and engagement.

3. Analyzing Technical Knowledge and Problem-Solving Skills

– Technical telephone interviews involve a series of questions and scenarios to assess a candidate’s technical knowledge and problem-solving skills.

– Interviewers carefully evaluate the candidate’s responses, analyzing the depth of their understanding, the clarity of their explanations, and their ability to apply concepts effectively.

– Consistently providing incorrect or illogical answers may indicate cheating or misrepresentation of skills.

4. Cross-Checking Information

– Interviewers often ask candidates questions related to their previous work experiences or projects.

– By cross-checking the information shared by the candidate during the interview with the details provided in their resume or during the pre-screening stage, interviewers can identify any discrepancies or signs of cheating.

5. Employing Behavioral Questions

– Interviewers utilize behavioral questions to assess a candidate’s past experiences and actions in different work scenarios.

– By probing deeper into the candidate’s responses and asking for specific examples, interviewers can gauge the authenticity of the candidate’s claims and detect any inconsistencies.

6. Testing Problem-Solving Abilities

– In technical interviews, interviewers often present candidates with coding exercises, algorithmic problems, or real-life scenarios to evaluate their problem-solving abilities.

– Observing the candidate’s approach, thought process, and solution implementation allows interviewers to assess their genuine skills and detect any inappropriate assistance or cheating.

7. Collaboration with Other Interviewers and Hiring Managers

– Interviewers collaborate with other interviewers and hiring managers to compare notes and impressions.

– Sharing observations, reviewing inconsistencies, and discussing suspicious behaviors can help in collectively identifying potential cheating or dishonesty.

It is important to note that these strategies are not foolproof, and interviewers should always maintain fairness while evaluating candidates. However, by implementing these practices and staying vigilant, interviewers can enhance the integrity of the interview process and ensure that candidates are evaluated accurately and honestly.


In conclusion, detecting cheating candidates during the interview process is crucial for ensuring a fair and effective hiring process. Cheating can have negative consequences for both candidates and hiring companies, leading to wasted time, resources, and potential hiring mistakes.

Throughout this article, we have explored various red flags and strategies to identify and catch cheating candidates during video interviews. By paying attention to warning signs such as missing profile pictures, poor internet quality, and denying certain actions, interviewers can spot potential dishonesty.

Additionally, we have provided techniques for spotting fake candidates in video interviews. Observing eye movements, assessing audio quality, and requesting screen sharing can help identify inconsistencies and deception.

It is important for interviewers to also be aware of cheating in other formats such as technical telephone interviews and onsite interviews. By employing methods to detect cheating, interviewers can ensure a fair evaluation process.


How can organizations create a secure and reliable video interview process to minimize the risk of fake candidates?

Creating a secure process involves using reputable video interview platforms with built-in security features. Additionally, organizations should provide training to interviewers on detecting signs of deception, implement technology-driven verification methods, and conduct thorough background checks as part of the hiring process.

Are there specific interview questions or techniques that can help reveal the authenticity of a candidate in a video interview?

Asking behavioral questions, exploring past experiences in detail, and using situational or scenario-based questions can help assess a candidate’s authenticity. Genuine responses are more likely when candidates are discussing real experiences and demonstrating their skills in practical scenarios.

What role does thorough background checking play in verifying the authenticity of candidates in video interviews?

Thorough background checks are essential to verify the authenticity of candidates. This includes validating educational credentials, work experience, and contacting references. A comprehensive background check helps ensure that the information provided in the video interview aligns with the candidate’s actual background.

How can technology be utilized to detect and prevent fake candidates in video interviews?

Technology can be used to analyze facial expressions, voice patterns, and eye movements to detect signs of deception. AI-powered tools can also flag inconsistencies in responses or unusual behavior, providing an additional layer of scrutiny in the candidate evaluation process.

What are some common signs that a candidate in a video interview might be fake or deceptive?

Common signs include unnatural behavior, lack of interaction with the interviewer or environment, scripted responses, and inconsistencies in the information provided. Pay attention to non-verbal cues and evaluate the candidate’s authenticity throughout the interview.

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